9 inch beef frank hot dogs Provided by Family Brands

Elm Hill Meats

Resonating with Nashville culture, like the neon glow of Lower Broadway and the sinuous sounds of steel guitars, is our Elm Hill brand of meats. Born in the Music City and beloved by meat eaters everywhere, Elm Hill has been serving delicious hot dogs, bologna, hams, and specialty meats for over 55 years.

With iconic items like the Jumbo Pork and Beef Franks and the seasonal favorite, Beef Spiced Round, we look to constantly push the boundary of culinary cuisine. So whether you’re hosting a Memorial Day cookout or slicing a holiday ham at Christmas, let Elm Hill take center stage and give your mouth the encore it deserves.


Contact Us






1001 Elm Hill Road
Lenoir City, TN 37771
145 Southeast Parkway
Franklin, TN 37064

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